Monday, February 28, 2011

Simple speed ability doing 100 meters dash to have Amazing Messi speed

There are simple secrets that any player can do for further practises to get Amazing Messi speed.

1.The first secret is linear speed.Take 100m dash repeatedly.

2. To make player run fast, try this simple task.The faster a player moves his arms the faster his feet will move. The second factor is stride length. When running, a player should have her knee lift almost to belly button height.The second secret is lateral speed.

3. Strength training.
 Lower body strength training should include strengthening a soccer players lower back, glutes, hamstrings and calf muscles.
4. anaerobic fitness
Training soccer players to be anaerobically fit will enhance many aspects of your teams soccer speed and skill performance. To train anaerobically, soccer players should work on many explosive 15-25 meters burst. In addition, these movements should include both linear (north/south) movements and lateral (east/west) movements.

5.For soccer players to run fast and be explosive, they need to be properly fueled and hydrated. Helping your players with their nutrition will pay excellent dividends for you players.

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